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Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Attention Deficit Disorder and Medication

Over the past 30 years there have been many new labels for mental disorders as well as a wide array of new medications that are available to treat various mental health disorders.

It seems that different disorders become popular at different times. When a new label for a group of behaviors is discussed you will see multiple people come back from psychological testing with that diagnosis. This is especially true for children.

During this 30 year period of time, children that had attention issues in the classroom were labeled hyper kinetic. Many tests were done on these children to determine if there were genetic or environmental causes for the lack of attention span.

As time went on a different psychologist created the label of attention deficit disorder. Today there are hundreds of children that are given this label each year and the pharmaceutical companies are developing different attention deficit
disorder medication.

Doctors are asking families to use caution when using these drugs to treat what may be a learned behavior in their child. Children that are afflicted with disorder need to have medication to cope. They are not able to attend to their surroundings without it.

However attention deficit disorder medication has many side effects and many doctors ask parents to get two different testing sources prior to placing their child on attention deficit disorder medication.

Some doctors feel that often times the quick fix of giving a pill teaches a child that they do not have to take the responsibility to change their behavior. Many doctors claim who work with more and more people as the years pass find that troubled adults with few skills for coping with any type of life issues, have been on some type of medication for the majority of their lives.

Not all of them have been on attention deficit disorder medication, but this is by far the most prevalent. They learn early on in life that they can excuse their behavior by hiding behind a label.

This is a disservice to the child and adult. They need to learn different ways to help them increase their attention span. The medication should be used to help the child begin the process of being able to sit still long enough to learn new and better coping skills.

Medication alone is not the answer, there needs to be a lesson plan that builds skills along with the attention deficit disorder medication.


Monday, April 5, 2010

Cure for Ovarian Cyst

Many women develop ovarian cysts at some point in their life. In most cases, these fluid-filled sacs which grow either inside or on the surface of the ovary are benign and even asymptomatic. In some cases though, they are problematic. While an actual cure for ovarian cyst is not yet known, there are various options if you have one or more ovarian cysts.

Monitor the cyst and wait

For many women who are of reproductive age, just monitoring the cyst and waiting for several weeks is the first option. This is of course if the cyst is not causing any problematic symptoms and if a sonogram or ultrasound indicates there are no significant abnormalities which would cause concern.

The cyst can be monitored periodically with further ultrasounds. Your physician will be looking for any changes in the size of the cyst. Since there is no cure for ovarian cyst if you are post-menopausal either, this “watch and wait” approach may be appropriate for small cysts which contain only fluid. Many cysts will disappear on their own over a period of time, which is preferable since there is no cure for ovarian cyst.

Alternative treatments

Ovarian cysts which cut off the blood flow to the ovaries, don’t stop growing, or have malignant cells cannot simply be monitored. Some form of treatment is required, sooner rather than later. Again, because there is no cure for ovarian cyst, some women prefer to choose an alternative treatment approach either instead of or in combination with traditional Western medicine treatments which will be discussed next. These may involve:

• Herbal remedies
• Dietary changes, often involving the elimination of red meat
• Taking supplements high in antioxidants
• Homeopathic remedies

Of course alternative treatments do not provide a cure for ovarian cyst, but some women have found them to be beneficial in various ways. In some cases they may alleviate some of the symptoms. Also, they may keep the cysts from getting larger.

Traditional treatment options

Deciding the best course of traditional treatment options for ovarian cysts depends on several factors. These factors include a woman’s age, whether or not she wants to have children, the type of cyst as well as the location of the cyst, and the woman’s overall health.

Contraceptive pills

Many physicians will prescribe birth control pills if you have ovarian cysts. While these are not a cure for ovarian cyst, they not only decrease your risk of developing ovarian cancer, they also help prevent the development of new cysts during your periods. Contraceptive pills will also help regulate your menstrual cycle and, for women with polycystic ovarian syndrome, they will reduce the amount of male hormones which are produced. In doing so, they also help alleviate the symptoms caused by these hormones.


Surgery may seem like the closest thing to a cure for ovarian cyst in some cases. Surgery may involve a laparoscopy, in which little holes are drilled into the ovaries which release the hormonal fluids. This is usually done to normalize the menstrual cycle and enhance ovulation for women who are trying to conceive. It also can reduce the level of androgen production in women with PCOS.

If you have an ovarian cyst which is quite large or is abnormal, or causes symptoms such as pain, your doctor may remove the cyst surgically. He may perform either a cystectomy or an oophorectomy. Neither of these procedures will interfere with your fertility, which is often important if you are of childbearing age. However, if the cyst is cancerous, a hysterectomy may be indicated.

Surgical removal of ovarian cysts is typically recommended for women who develop cysts after menopause.

Perhaps someday there will be a cure for ovarian cyst. Until then, the treatment options which are available can be beneficial in many ways. Talk with your doctor to determine the best course of treatment if you have one or more ovarian cysts.


Natural Cure for Ovarian Cyst

It is not uncommon for women to develop ovarian cysts at some point in their life. If your doctor has told you that you have one or more ovarian cysts, he or she probably discussed traditional treatment options. However, some women prefer a natural cure for ovarian cyst. This article will discuss some natural, alternative routes you might want to consider.

Herbal Remedies

When it comes to a natural cure for ovarian cyst, herbal remedies are something worth considering. One school of thought is that ovarian cysts are caused by an imbalance of a woman’s hormones. This is why herbalists approach a natural cure for ovarian cyst by bringing harmony and balance back into a woman’s body. They do this by using many different plants to treat the cysts. Additionally, they use herbs which work to cleanse and revitalize the liver as well.

Even though it would be great if herbal remedies were an instant natural cure for ovarian cyst, they don’t work quite that fast. The general recommendation with regards to using herbs to treat your cysts is to take them for six weeks or longer, with three weeks being the minimum length of time you should take them.

Herbs which are often used for ovarian cysts are:

• Black Cohosh
• Red Clover
• Milk Thistle
• Dandelion
• Chasteberry

It is always best to consult with a naturopath or herbalist to determine the best herbal remedies for you, as well as how to take them. Also, you always want to let your doctor know if you are taking any herbs as a natural cure for ovarian cyst.

Bach Flower Remedies

Bach flower remedies are also sometimes used along with herbal remedies to help treat ovarian cysts. The following are often suggested:

• Honeysuckle
• Walnut
• Red Chestnut
• Impatiens
• Wild Oats

Castor Oil

Castor oil, which is an unsaturated fatty acid, has been used for many years to treat a variety of ailments. It works as a natural cure for ovarian cyst by dissolving them. If you have a ruptured cyst, it can help it to heal and also alleviate the pain. To use castor oil as a treatment, you apply a castor oil pack to the skin above the location of the cyst. The oil absorbs into the skin transdermally. As it does this it helps improve circulation and stimulate the elimination of toxins.

A castor oil pack may also help your digestive system and decreases inflammation. It can help with constipation, gall stones, liver problems or headaches as well. It is not recommended as a natural cure for ovarian cyst if you have one that is cancerous. Also, a castor oil pack is not to be used while you are having your period, or if you are pregnant.


Diet may also impact the development of ovarian cysts as well as whether or not they become cancerous. Foods which are high in carbohydrates or estrogen are believed to be significant culprits. When you eat a diet high in carbohydrates and gain weight, the fat cells tend to store estrogen. Also, a high carbohydrate diet can wreak havoc with your insulin levels. Excess estrogen and insulin are two hormones which are associated with ovarian cyst problems.

While not necessarily a natural cure for ovarian cyst, some believe that significantly reducing or eliminating foods high in carbohydrates and estrogen can be very beneficial if you have ovarian cysts. A vegetarian diet is also recommended by some to help with ovarian cyst problems.
