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Saturday, April 23, 2011

Benefits Of Asparagus

Only young asparagus shoots are commonly eaten; once the buds start to open, the shoots quickly turn woody and become strongly flavoured.

Asparagus is low in calories and is very low in sodium. It is a good source of vitamin B6, calcium, magnesium and zinc, and a very good source of dietary fiber, protein, vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin K, thiamin, riboflavin, rutin, niacin, folic acid, iron, phosphorus, potassium, copper, manganese and selenium, as well as chromium, a trace mineral that enhances the ability of insulin to transport glucose from the bloodstream into cells. The amino acid asparagine gets its name from asparagus, the asparagus plant being rich in this compound.

The shoots are prepared and served in a number of ways around the world, typically as an appetizer or vegetable side dish. In Asian-style cooking, asparagus is often stir-fried. Cantonese restaurants in the United States often serve asparagus stir-fried with chicken, shrimp, or beef, and also wrapped in bacon. Asparagus may also be quickly grilled over charcoal or hardwood embers. It is also used as an ingredient in some stews and soups.

Asparagus can also be pickled and stored for several years. Some brands may label shoots prepared this way as "marinated".

The bottom portion of asparagus often contains sand and dirt, so thorough cleaning is generally advised in cooking it.


Nutrition studies have shown asparagus is a low-calorie source of folate and potassium. Its stalks are high in antioxidants. "Asparagus provides essential nutrients: six spears contain some 135 micrograms (µg) of folate, almost half the adult RDI (recommended daily intake), 20 milligrams of potassium," notes an article in Reader's Digest. Research suggests folate is key in taming homocysteine, a substance implicated in heart disease. Folate is also critical for pregnant women, since it protects against neural tube defects in babies. Several studies indicate getting plenty of potassium may reduce the loss of calcium from the body.

"Asparagus has long been recognized for its medicinal properties," wrote D. Onstad, author of Whole Foods Companion: A Guide for Adventurous Cooks, Curious Shoppers and Lovers of Natural Foods. "Asparagus contains substances that act as a diuretic, neutralize ammonia that makes us tired, and protect small blood vessels from rupturing. Its fiber content makes it a laxative, too."


Say Healthy


Saturday, March 19, 2011

Natural Body Detox

Toxins accumulate within our bodies and must be purged in order for it to function at it's best. Detoxifying your body will help heal it and to regain energy.

The body can be naturally detoxified through the use of natural herbs. This is usually not a single step process, but an ongoing daily continued process needed for the body's ability to effectively remove toxins every day.

To assist in the body de-toxification process, the amount of toxins entering the body must be controlled. This means the use of refined sugar, tobacco products, alcohol, caffeine, drugs, and household chemicals, just to name a few, must be restricted.

To facilitate the detox process, you should start by eating organic natural foods, drinking plenty of water and exercising on a regular basis. The body will adjust easily with a gradual change in the detox process.

Here are some herbs used as a home remedy for natural body detoxification:

1. Psyllium Seeds and Husks- acts as a natural laxative and is high in fiber. Soak the seeds in water before using. This supports healthy bowel functions.

2. Cascara Sagrada- used as natural laxative. It is safe for longer duration uses and strengthens the colon muscle.

3. Hydranga Root and Joe Pye Weed (Gravel Root)- prevents, dissolves, and expels stones and crystals in the kidneys and bladder.

4. Alder Buckthorn's Bark- must be dried and stored for one year before using because the fresh bark is very strong and can be toxic.

5. Juniper Berries- detoxifies and strengthens the urinary tract, bladder and kidneys. Not good for prolong use as it puts stress on the kidneys.

6. Burdock Seeds and Root- Helps in the removal of heavy metals inside the body.

7. Grapefruit, celery, lemon, fennel, rosemary, basil, thyme, and patchouli contain essential oils which effectively flush toxins from underneath the skin and stimulates lymph circulation.

8. Dandelion Root and Milk Thistle- strengthens and cleanses the liver. Milk Thistle contains silymarin which protects and helps regenerate the liver. Dandelion Root is useful in the removal of waste products from the kidneys and gallbladder.

Keeping toxins out of your body will ensure a healthier you.

Stay Healthy!


Friday, March 11, 2011

All Natural Cleaner

When thinking about the natural and healthy things that we put into our bodies, we often over look the things that are outside our bodies. What I mean by this is the things we have to touch on a daily basis. Like the sink, the toilet the doors knobs, etc.

If we can kill the germs before they are able to reach our bodies, the healthier we will be for it.

The majority of the products used today contain chemicals which can be just as bad as the germs that the product was made to fight. It is easier to keep our home clean verses having to go out into the public and deal with items that other people may have contaminated.

I just recently heard on the radio of a test that was conducted on the handles of shopping carts in various location stores with a result of 70% of the handles being contaminated with fecal matter.

Some stores are now displaying sanitation wipes for customers to use to clean the handles of their chosen shopping cart.

It is important to practice safe sanitation habits when out and about.

How many times have you gone out to a fast food restaurant and did not wash your hands before eating your hamburger? Or if you did go wash your hands, how many times did you touch the door knob when exiting the rest room? Did the person before you wash their hands when they left the rest room?

A safe practice for this situation is to use a paper towel to open the door before exiting the restroom and then throw the paper towel away after exiting.

Or how about the salt and pepper shakers sitting on the tables. Did you put salt or pepper or catchup on your burger and then use your hands to eat your burger? Or when you left the restaurant, did you pick your teeth with your finger nail?

These are the things we rarely think about that can spread germs to one another.

Listed below is an all natural cleaner that you can use around the home for sanitizing. The formal can be carried in a small spray bottle and placed in a purse or brief case to be used when away from home.

You may also be able to shop around and purchase products that are chemical free and all natural that do just as well as the chemical version.

Here is the formula:


• Water
• White Vinegar
• Lemon Juice
• Cinnamon
• Tea Tree Oil (optional)


Step 1: Fill a clean spray bottle half way with regular or distilled water.
Step 2: Fill the bottle nearly the rest of the way with white vinegar.
Step 3: Add a teaspoon of lemon, a dash of cinnamon, and 3-5 drops of
tea tree oil (tea tree oil kills germs naturally).
Step 4: Label the bottle or mark it in some way so its contents can be identified.

Stay Clean!
