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Sunday, July 25, 2010

Herbal Remedies For Menstrual Pain

Here is a request for natural remedies that can be used to help women who suffer menstrual cramps. Some of these home remedies may or may not work for everyone. Some experimenting may be needed as to which remedy, if any, will work for you.

Women can get menstrual cramps before, after, and during their menstrual cycle. After doing some research, many women complain they get constipated after taking over-the-counter pain medications. Some pain killers, such as 'neurofen' have an ingredient that cause constipation, making natural home remedies a better choice for relief.

Many women have found that placing a hot water bottle or heating pad just below the belly button helps to ease the pain menstrual cramps. An emergency heating pad can be made by filling a sock with dried pinto beans or dried rice and heating it in the microwave for about 1-2 minutes.

Supplemental vitamins and food that are high in vitamin-B, zinc, calcium, and magnesium have been found to reduce the menstrual pain and bloating. Calcium is known to help maintain muscle tone as well as prevent cramps and pain.

800 mg. of calcium is the recommended daily intake for most women. Increasing magnesium intake is also recommended, since it helps the body absorb the calcium. A good source of magnesium include beans, whole wheat, tofu, shrimp, nuts, and vegetables and pharmaceutical grade supplement.

I usually like to refer to using pharmaceutical grade nutritionals because the manufacturing of these nutritionals usually mean they are as pure as possible if made by a company that take pride in the quality of their products.

Also, due to the sometimes lack of time and resources to grow our own nutritional food, high quality supplements are the second best way to obtain what our bodies need and crave. Contact me if you are looking for references to excellent pharmaceutical companies.

It is suggested that you should not eat chocolate while you are menstruating. Many women state their cramps get worse when they eat chocolate. Instead, eat fruits and stay away from the junk food.

Here are a few herbal remedies that may help relieve menstrual pain:

Oregano Tea-

This easy-to-make tea is made in about less than 15 minutes, and will take the menstrual cramps away in a matter of minutes.

Ingredients: Oregano, sugar, water


1. Mix a cup of water and half a tea spoon of oregano in a pot and bring to a boil.
2. Place a coffee filter or a napkin over a coffee cup so that the herbs can be filtered out later.
3. When the water in the pot comes to a boil, pour it into the cup.
4. Remove the filter leaving only the liquid tea in the cup.
5. Add sugar to taste, stir and drink.

Dosage: drink 3-4 cups a day during cycle.

Chamomile Tea-

Chamomile is widely used to treat menstrual cramps and discomfort.

Ingredients: Chamomile flowers (dried)- 2 tsp., water- 1 cup, sugar or honey


1. Add 2 teaspoons of dried Chamomile flowers to a cup of boiling water and let it steep for at least 5 minutes.
2. Strain the solution through a coffee filter.
3. Add sugar or honey to taste and drink.

Dosage: a good preventive measure is to start drinking Chamomile tea a couple of days before you are expecting your menstrual cycle to start, and then drink at least 2 cups everyday during your cycle.

Ginger Root Tea-

Ginger root has been found to help relieve the pain associated with menstrual cramps.

Ingredients: Sliced ginger root (1-handful), water- 1 cup, honey or sugar

1. Mix the sliced ginger in a pan of boiling water and let simmer for 15 minutes.
2. Pour the tea into a coffee cup through a strainer or coffee filter.
3. Add sugar or honey to taste.

Dosage: drink 2-3 cups a day during your menstrual cycle.

Blue Cohosh Tea (also called Sqaw Root)-

Here is an herb that has many uses besides menstrual pain.

Blue Cohosh was used as a medicinal herb by the American Indians, and can also be used as a dietary supplement that can induce labor, regulate menstrual flow, suppress menstruation, and ease the pain and difficulty that accompany childbirth.

Many Native American tribes and later herbologists and mid-wives would use this herb in conjunction with other herbs and fluids for abortive and contraceptive purposes. As such, this herb should not be taken during pregnancy.

Ingredients: Blue Cohosh root (dried)- 1 oz., water- 2 cups, sugar or honey


1. Add 1 oz. of dried blue cohosh to 2 cups of boiling water.
2. Boil for 3-4 minutes.
3. Add sugar or honey to taste.

Dosage: drink 1/4 to 1/2 cup, two to four times a day.

**Because of its alkaloids, blue cohosh should not be used for longer than 4-6 months. The alkaloid elevate blood pressure in susceptible individuals when used regularly for longer than six months. Do not use blue cohosh if you have a history of stroke or have high blood pressure, heart disease, or diabetes. Blue cohosh should not be used during pregnancy. Don't inhale it or get it in your eyes. And do not eat the berries.

Squaw Vine Tea-

Squaw vine is recommended by herbalists to treat menstrual pains and cramps, to regulate menstruation and relieve heavy bleeding. This herb is sometimes used to stimulate breast-milk production as well, and in some cases, this herb has been used to treat diarrhea. This herb was used in a lotion or salve form to treat nursing mother's sore or cracked nipples.

Ingredients: Sqaw Vine (dried)-1 tsp., water- 1 cup, sugar or honey


1. Mix 1tsp. of dried sqaw vine to 1 cup of boiling water.
2. Let steep for 3 minutes.
3. Pour liquid through a strainer or coffee filter into a coffee cup.
4. Add sugar or honey to taste.

Dosage: drink 3 times a day during cycle.

False Unicorn Herbal Tea-

False unicorn has great medicinal use. It is used to treat venereal disease, such as gonorrhea. A small, finely chopped piece of the root is simmered in 3 cups of boiling water for 20 minutes. The strained, cooled liquid was used both as a vaginal douche and wash to get rid of this infection.

This root has also been used to prevent possible miscarriages and to stop hemorrhage.

This herb seems to have a regulatory effect on the female reproductive system, encouraging a regular menstrual cycle, and it is given to women with absent or irregular cycles. This herb also assists the ovaries in releasing hormones at the right point in the month.

It may take several months for the herb to have a significant effect on the cycle. False unicorn is also used to treat endometriosis, uterine infections, ovarian cysts, and menopausal symptoms.

Ingredients: False unicorn root- 2 tsp., water- 1 cup, sugar or honey


1. Mix 2 tsp. of root in 1 cup of water in a sauce pan.
2. Bring water to a boil and then turn heat down to a slow simmer.
3. Let simmer for 10-15 minutes.
4. Pour tea into a coffee cup through a coffee filter or strainer.
5. Add sugar or honey to taste.

Dosage: 1 cup 3 times a day.

These are just a few of the many herbs that can be used as home remedies or emergency herbal remedies to combat the pain of menstruation. It is important that you learn to identify these herbs if you plan on harvesting and using them yourself. These herbs can be purchased from the internet or herbal stores. Make sure you obtain the freshest herbs possible.


Saturday, July 17, 2010

Making Your Own Lotions, Creams and Salves- Part 2

Aloe Moisturizing Hand Cream

1/4 cup rosewater
12 drops herbal extract
1 tbsp aloe gel
1/8 cup sweet almond oil
1/2 tbsp peanut oil
1 tsp cocoa butter
1/2 tbsp olive oil
1/4 tsp anhydrous lanolin
1/2 tbsp liquid lecithin
1/8 oz. grated beeswax
400 I.U. vitamin E
6 drops tincture of Benzoin

Melt the waxes, oils, cocoa butter, lanolin and lecithin and allow to cool a bit as per procedure (above).

Place aloe gel in blender and whip for a bit. Add the rosewater to aloe and blend. Stir tincture of benzoin (or grape-seed extract) and vitamin E into the warm oils. With blender running, slowly add the oils into the aloe-water mix. Put up into suitable containers and store in refrigerator. Shelf life is approximately one month.

Hand Lotion:

1/4 cup coconut oil
1/3 cup sweet almond oil
3 oz. vegetable glycerin
1/2 tbsp liquid lecithin
1/8 oz grated beeswax
8 drops tincture of benzoin

Melt wax and oils in top of the double boiler. Place glycerin in bottom of bowl or blender. Turn on blender and start adding the oil mix into the glycerin per procedure above.

Face and Hand Cream:

Remember to use boiled (sterile) water and sterilize your jar and cap.

1/4 cup olive oil
1 tbsp coconut oil
a walnut-sized piece of cocoa butter
1/2 tbsp liquid lecithin
1/8 oz bees wax
1200 IU vitamin E
1/3 cup boiled water
1/2 tbsp vegetable glycerin

Combine oils, fats, and waxes in top of double boiler. Melt over hot water. Remove from heat and add vitamin E. Combine 1/3 cup boiled water with vegetable glycerin.

Mix the melted oils and fats into water/glycerin mixture while your beater/blender/mixer is working. See Procedure for making cream above. Remember to use boiled (sterile) water and sterilize your jar and cap.

More Face and Hand Cream:

This cream feeds the skin and holds in whatever moisture. Apply this cream while the face is still damp after cleaning. Homemade remedies are not as quickly absorbed into the skin as the commercial counterparts.

If you are not ready to make an extract, but would like to include herbs, simply replace the rosewater with herbal tea made from 1 tbsp of the ground herbs to 1 cup of distilled (or boiled) water.

Use the same herbs listed in the Herbal Extract Recipe. Combine the herbs as listed, then powder enough in a coffee mill or grinder to make up 1 tbsp. Place in a bowl and pour 1 cup of water just off the boil over the herbs and allow to steep for 10 minutes, covered. Strain through a coffee filter and measure out the 1/4 cup of herb tea to replace the rosewater.

NOTE: If using the herb tea in place of the rosewater, you will not need to use the extract. You can also substitute the rosewater with distilled water to which 3 drops of essential oil of rose or lavender is added.

1/4 cup rosewater
12 drops herbal extract
1/2 tbsp vegetable glycerin
1/8 cup sweet almond oil
1/2 tbsp coconut oil
1/2 tbsp peanut oil
1/4 tsp anhydrous lanolin
1/2 tbsp liquid lecithin
1 tsp cocoa butter (5 grams)
1/8 oz. grated beeswax
400 I.U. vitamin E

Add glycerin and extract to rosewater and blend. While blender is running, add the melted waxes and oils to which the vitamin E has been added. When well blended, transfer to a suitable container. Cover and refrigerate. Shelf life is about one month unless tincture of benzoin or grapefruit seed extract is used.

An easy variation (and richer for aged and thirsty skin) is to make it without the herbal tea or extract.

Simply combine 1/3 cup sterile (boiled) water and 1/2 tbsp vegetable glycerin. Melt the oils, waxes and butters and proceed as per instructions. Use the following ingredients (makes a smaller batch which will last about 3 weeks to 1 month in the refrigerator): 1/4 cup olive oil, 1/2 tbsp coconut oil, 1/2 tbsp cocoa butter, 1/2 tbsp lecithin, 1/8 oz beeswax, 1200 IU Vitamin E.


Petroleum jelly has such a wealth of uses that it is nice to know how to prepare your own non-petroleum substitute. Many over-the-counter salves, ointments, liniments and cosmetics have petroleum jelly as a base.

Making Non-Petroleum Jelly

A softer or firmer gel can be made by changing the amount of beeswax used. Try this recipe, then decide if you like it or if you would like to change the next batch to a different consistency.

For a softer gel, use 1 oz. of beeswax. For a firmer gel, use 1½ oz. of beeswax. For a very soft gel, more like an ointment in consistency, use 1/2 oz of beeswax.

Combine 1¼ oz. grated beeswax and 3/4 cup sweet almond oil (or olive oil) in the top of a double boiler.

With water in the lower pan at a simmer, thoroughly melt ingredients together. Remove from heat and pour into suitable container(s). This recipe will fill two 3½ to 4 oz. containers. This allows one jar to be used 'as is' and the other to be used as a base for products you wish to make.

Lip Gloss:

This is a good way to use up those colors of lipstick you aren't very fond of. It is also possible to create new colors by mixing small amounts of different colors. Keep a record of what you use and how much in case it turns out to be a really good color.

You can control the hardness of the product by using less or more beeswax according to preference. If it doesn't turn out quite right, simply toss the experiment back into the top of the double boiler and melt it down again, then add a little more of whatever you need.

1 Tbsp non-petroleum jelly
lipstick the size of a small pea
1/2 tsp grated beeswax

In the top of a double boiler, over barely simmering water, melt beeswax and jelly together till both are well combined. Add the piece of lipstick. Continue to add small amounts, if needed, until the desired color is reached. Pour into a small lip balm tub or tube and allow to set up. You can also improve the healing quality of this by adding the contents of one 400 IU capsule of vitamin E.

Healthy Lip Gloss:

Follow directions as for Lip Gloss above and combine:

1/2 tbsp olive oil
1/2 tbsp sweet almond oil
pea-size piece of lipstick color
1 tsp grated beeswax
200 I.U. vitamin E

NOTE: The difference between these two products is a matter of consistency and which one you prefer.


Making Your Own Lotions, Creams and Salves- Part 1

Shelf life is one of the biggest problems one faces when making homemade cosmetic products. They tend to spoil after time and have to be made more often. This is just a small inconvenience when you have the knowledge of knowing that the best ingredients are being used.

To overcome having to throw out spoiled products, just make enough to last until you have to make another batch. Another key point to remember is not to use your bare fingers to mix ingredients as this can contaminate the batch when there are no chemical preservatives being used. Instead use a small plastic knife or spatula or a clean applicator to remove small amounts of the product you are going to apply.

By themselves, oils and waxes will remain stable. It is the introduction of the herbal infusion, or aloe gel, or unsterilized water that presents the problem of mold and bacteria. It is also possible to make or purchase extracts of the herbs you wish to include and use those in your products, rather than an infusion.

Remember to use boiling water to sterilize glass containers. For plastic type containers, use alcohol for sterilizing.

There are two natural preservatives which can stabilize your homemade product. Tincture of Benzoin can be found at the local pharmacy and has been used commercially for a long time.

It is applied at the rate of 1 drop per ounce of product. Becoming more popular each year is grapefruit seed extract, available through herbal supply shops, and is applied at the same rate.

Vitamin E also has preservative qualities. It's not as effective as benzoin tincture or grapefruit seed extract, but 200 to 400 I.U. per ounce will not only help out with longevity, it's also great for the skin.

If you are going to use aloe in your products, use food grade aloe. Fresh aloe straight from the houseplant will quickly develop mold. Food grade aloe has already been stabilized.

If the recipe calls for glycerin, it always means food grade vegetable glycerin. At no time should you use any other type.

The oil from sweet almond, safflower, olive, corn, peanut, wheat germ, jojoba and small amounts of vitamin E oil, are oils most commonly used in making home cosmetics. In the recipes to follow, the ingredient lecithin refers to the liquid type. When lanolin is used it will be the anhydrous lanolin.

One other ingredient you will need is beeswax. Beeswax melts at 148ºF, and melts more quickly if you first grate it up. A hand held rotary grater with the large holes for grating makes grating much faster.

A few other utensils/tools which you will need are a blender, or similar item which is capable of making mayonnaise, since the process of combining oils and water is similar. You will also need a stainless steel or enamel double boiler. It is absolutely essential to melt the waxes and oils in the top portion of the double boiler over hot water in the bottom pan.

Glycerin & Rosewater Lotion:

Long known for its soothing properties, this is the easiest of the skin lotions to prepare. For a small trial size, combine one ounce of rosewater with one ounce of vegetable glycerin. A 2-oz flip-top bottle makes an excellent handy dispenser.

Hot Weather Spritz:

In a small spritzer bottle, mix 1 cup of distilled water plus 3-5 drops of essential oil of lavender. Keep mixture refrigerated and spritz on skin to cool off when needed. This is especially nice during hot weather trips. A man might prefer the spicy scent of oil of coriander, while lemon tends to be gender neutral.

Lavender water or orange water or other floral water can be purchased for this use, but essential oil and distilled water is cheaper.


Ingredients: powdered oatmeal and powdered almond

Both of these powders can be made at home by grinding oatmeal or almonds in a coffee grinder. One other ingredient that can be used is plain yogurt. It makes a refreshing mask when combined with oatmeal and a little lemon juice. Brewer's yeast can also be used.

To make:

Add distilled water, a few drops at a time, to a tablespoon or two of the oatmeal or almond powder until you have a paste. Apply paste on your face, avoiding the eye area, then allow the mask to dry. When ready, use a washcloth and water that is as warm as you can tolerate and place the cloth over your face for a few minutes to soften the mask. Then wash your face clean with warm water and follow with a cool water splash.

You can also use floral waters such as lavender, rose, or orange to make the paste, or you could use honey. Honey and oatmeal masks were often used in the older days. A mask should be applied once a week to revive the skin by getting rid of the dead skin cells.


Step One: Melt the waxes, fats, liquid lecithin, cocoa butter, and honey in the top of a double boiler over simmering water. Watch that the mixture gets only warm enough to melt the contents. Beeswax should be grated for easiest melting. Make sure all is blended well and then remove from heat. Allow to cool for about a minute. Add the vitamin E if it is used.

Step Two: In a mixer bowl or blender, add the water, glycerin and herb extract, the tincture of benzoin or grapefruit seed extract, and a few drops of essential oil.

Step Three: While blender or mixer is operating, slowly add the melted oils and waxes into the water mixture. It will begin to thicken. The longer the blending, the fluffier it will become. It will appear to be a little loose at this point, but will continue to harden as it comes to room temperature. Pour into a suitable jar and allow to sit on the counter for 20 to 30 minutes, then cap and store in the refrigerator.

Face and Body Cream:

1/3 cup coconut oil
1/8 cup sweet almond oil
1/8 cup vegetable glycerin
2/3 cup rosewater (or sterile water)
1 tbsp liquid lecithin
1/4 oz. grated beeswax
9 drops tincture of benzoin

Follow directions as given in Procedure above. Shelf life is about one month.


Thursday, July 15, 2010

Importance Of Good Quality Supplements

As most of us are aware, getting the full nutritional value out of the foods we consume on a daily basis is a task within itself. Most of us work full time and do not have time to plant and tend our own gardens, or raise our own chickens and cows to provide fresh wholesome food.

Instead, we must rely on the grocery stores where a lot of the nutrients are lost due to processing. Even organic foods being advertised are not as good as the claims many make.

With current trends worsening within our government, medical cost will rise, while available doctors my decline. It is up to you and I to take care of ourselves to the best of our ability in order to stay out of the doctor's office as much as possible.

Please watch the attached video on pharmaceutical grade supplements that are produced by an award winning company.

here if you are interested in obtaining these high potency nutritionals.