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Showing posts with label pms. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pms. Show all posts

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Herbal Remedies For Menstrual Pain

Here is a request for natural remedies that can be used to help women who suffer menstrual cramps. Some of these home remedies may or may not work for everyone. Some experimenting may be needed as to which remedy, if any, will work for you.

Women can get menstrual cramps before, after, and during their menstrual cycle. After doing some research, many women complain they get constipated after taking over-the-counter pain medications. Some pain killers, such as 'neurofen' have an ingredient that cause constipation, making natural home remedies a better choice for relief.

Many women have found that placing a hot water bottle or heating pad just below the belly button helps to ease the pain menstrual cramps. An emergency heating pad can be made by filling a sock with dried pinto beans or dried rice and heating it in the microwave for about 1-2 minutes.

Supplemental vitamins and food that are high in vitamin-B, zinc, calcium, and magnesium have been found to reduce the menstrual pain and bloating. Calcium is known to help maintain muscle tone as well as prevent cramps and pain.

800 mg. of calcium is the recommended daily intake for most women. Increasing magnesium intake is also recommended, since it helps the body absorb the calcium. A good source of magnesium include beans, whole wheat, tofu, shrimp, nuts, and vegetables and pharmaceutical grade supplement.

I usually like to refer to using pharmaceutical grade nutritionals because the manufacturing of these nutritionals usually mean they are as pure as possible if made by a company that take pride in the quality of their products.

Also, due to the sometimes lack of time and resources to grow our own nutritional food, high quality supplements are the second best way to obtain what our bodies need and crave. Contact me if you are looking for references to excellent pharmaceutical companies.

It is suggested that you should not eat chocolate while you are menstruating. Many women state their cramps get worse when they eat chocolate. Instead, eat fruits and stay away from the junk food.

Here are a few herbal remedies that may help relieve menstrual pain:

Oregano Tea-

This easy-to-make tea is made in about less than 15 minutes, and will take the menstrual cramps away in a matter of minutes.

Ingredients: Oregano, sugar, water


1. Mix a cup of water and half a tea spoon of oregano in a pot and bring to a boil.
2. Place a coffee filter or a napkin over a coffee cup so that the herbs can be filtered out later.
3. When the water in the pot comes to a boil, pour it into the cup.
4. Remove the filter leaving only the liquid tea in the cup.
5. Add sugar to taste, stir and drink.

Dosage: drink 3-4 cups a day during cycle.

Chamomile Tea-

Chamomile is widely used to treat menstrual cramps and discomfort.

Ingredients: Chamomile flowers (dried)- 2 tsp., water- 1 cup, sugar or honey


1. Add 2 teaspoons of dried Chamomile flowers to a cup of boiling water and let it steep for at least 5 minutes.
2. Strain the solution through a coffee filter.
3. Add sugar or honey to taste and drink.

Dosage: a good preventive measure is to start drinking Chamomile tea a couple of days before you are expecting your menstrual cycle to start, and then drink at least 2 cups everyday during your cycle.

Ginger Root Tea-

Ginger root has been found to help relieve the pain associated with menstrual cramps.

Ingredients: Sliced ginger root (1-handful), water- 1 cup, honey or sugar

1. Mix the sliced ginger in a pan of boiling water and let simmer for 15 minutes.
2. Pour the tea into a coffee cup through a strainer or coffee filter.
3. Add sugar or honey to taste.

Dosage: drink 2-3 cups a day during your menstrual cycle.

Blue Cohosh Tea (also called Sqaw Root)-

Here is an herb that has many uses besides menstrual pain.

Blue Cohosh was used as a medicinal herb by the American Indians, and can also be used as a dietary supplement that can induce labor, regulate menstrual flow, suppress menstruation, and ease the pain and difficulty that accompany childbirth.

Many Native American tribes and later herbologists and mid-wives would use this herb in conjunction with other herbs and fluids for abortive and contraceptive purposes. As such, this herb should not be taken during pregnancy.

Ingredients: Blue Cohosh root (dried)- 1 oz., water- 2 cups, sugar or honey


1. Add 1 oz. of dried blue cohosh to 2 cups of boiling water.
2. Boil for 3-4 minutes.
3. Add sugar or honey to taste.

Dosage: drink 1/4 to 1/2 cup, two to four times a day.

**Because of its alkaloids, blue cohosh should not be used for longer than 4-6 months. The alkaloid elevate blood pressure in susceptible individuals when used regularly for longer than six months. Do not use blue cohosh if you have a history of stroke or have high blood pressure, heart disease, or diabetes. Blue cohosh should not be used during pregnancy. Don't inhale it or get it in your eyes. And do not eat the berries.

Squaw Vine Tea-

Squaw vine is recommended by herbalists to treat menstrual pains and cramps, to regulate menstruation and relieve heavy bleeding. This herb is sometimes used to stimulate breast-milk production as well, and in some cases, this herb has been used to treat diarrhea. This herb was used in a lotion or salve form to treat nursing mother's sore or cracked nipples.

Ingredients: Sqaw Vine (dried)-1 tsp., water- 1 cup, sugar or honey


1. Mix 1tsp. of dried sqaw vine to 1 cup of boiling water.
2. Let steep for 3 minutes.
3. Pour liquid through a strainer or coffee filter into a coffee cup.
4. Add sugar or honey to taste.

Dosage: drink 3 times a day during cycle.

False Unicorn Herbal Tea-

False unicorn has great medicinal use. It is used to treat venereal disease, such as gonorrhea. A small, finely chopped piece of the root is simmered in 3 cups of boiling water for 20 minutes. The strained, cooled liquid was used both as a vaginal douche and wash to get rid of this infection.

This root has also been used to prevent possible miscarriages and to stop hemorrhage.

This herb seems to have a regulatory effect on the female reproductive system, encouraging a regular menstrual cycle, and it is given to women with absent or irregular cycles. This herb also assists the ovaries in releasing hormones at the right point in the month.

It may take several months for the herb to have a significant effect on the cycle. False unicorn is also used to treat endometriosis, uterine infections, ovarian cysts, and menopausal symptoms.

Ingredients: False unicorn root- 2 tsp., water- 1 cup, sugar or honey


1. Mix 2 tsp. of root in 1 cup of water in a sauce pan.
2. Bring water to a boil and then turn heat down to a slow simmer.
3. Let simmer for 10-15 minutes.
4. Pour tea into a coffee cup through a coffee filter or strainer.
5. Add sugar or honey to taste.

Dosage: 1 cup 3 times a day.

These are just a few of the many herbs that can be used as home remedies or emergency herbal remedies to combat the pain of menstruation. It is important that you learn to identify these herbs if you plan on harvesting and using them yourself. These herbs can be purchased from the internet or herbal stores. Make sure you obtain the freshest herbs possible.
