Energy Drinks such as Rockstar, Red Bull, etc., have become the rage. I personally know several adults who think they can’t get through the day without them. My concern is that children and teenagers are drinking them, not my children, but maybe yours!
Most of these energy drinks have as much caffeine as a cup of coffee (around 80 mgs). One 12 ounce can of soda contains approximately 16 to 50 mgs of caffeine. Not only does some of these energy drinks contain caffeine, they also have large doses of legal herbal stimulants as well.
Caffeine can make you have anxiety attacks, heart palpitations, and insomnia, as well as causes your kidney to remove extra fluid from your body. Starting to get the picture?
Children, when in school or not, do not need to be consuming any type of liquid that contains caffeine and stimulants, especially when also combined with sugar. Some of these drinks contain as much as 31 grams of sugar per serving.
Let there be no mistake about it, these drinks are advertised with children and young adults in mind. Walk around one day and count the number of children, teenagers (who are also children by the way) and young adults sucking on an energy drink. You can see the monetary stakes involved here.
Another issue is the use of herbal extracts in these drinks. There is no guarantee that the herbs used by these manufacturers are not non-toxic herbs or herbs not sprayed with pesticides, or the water source they use in the manufacturing process.
Since Energy Drinks are classified as food, the whole food grade manufacturing process does not provide for a guarantee in quality of the product. In fact, manufacturers of energy drinks are not required by law to list whether or not the herbs they use have been sprayed with toxic pesticides or manufactured with contaminated water sources. There is just no telling what toxins remain in the finished product.
By the way, the same problems reside with off the shelf, food grade nutritional products as well. If you become an avid reader of this site, you will read about pharmaceutical grade nutritional products verses food grade nutritional products, time and time again.
Another common ingredient is Taurine, which is a free form amino acid contained in foods and manufactured in the body from the amino acid cysteine. Synthetic Taurine is implicated in illnesses ranging from high blood pressure to strokes and seizures to heart disease.
Taurine has been banned in some Scandinavian countries, and Switzerland, after being linked to the deaths of three consumers. Some scientists believe that excessive Taurine has a sedative effect on the brain.
Some people, including teenagers, mixed alcohol with energy drinks as it makes them feel alert and energetic, even when they are drunk. Both dehydrate the body and a night out with alcohol and energy drinks can severely dehydrate a young or older person alike.
We recommend all people avoid energy drinks; they do nothing to add energy and can only add more toxins to an already toxic body and decrease or inhibit our body’s natural detoxification processes.
For an energy drink that is all natural and avoids the above listed problems try REV3, which can be found purchased from this site:
http://tinyurl.com/rev3drinkSign up for my free news letter and receive free information regarding high grade nutritional supplements, natural herbal remedies for home cures and many other helpful and healthful tips and information. People are paying for the information you are receiving for free.
Take Care!